Trustee Gift Chingwalu was called to a meeting with the executive yesterday to clarify some issues that zeroed on the administration of the group.
Speaking from his office, Trustee Chingwalu confirmed that he was in possession of an invitation letter signed by MUTHE secretary Naomi Nyasulu but he is not aware of what will be discussed at the meeting as the leeter did not indicate the agenda. He said that he was in the process of ackowledging the invitation and requesting minutes of the MUTHE executive where the decision to summon him was agreed as well as the agenda of the said meeting.
The meeting was held in closed doors and lasted over an hour but both Chingwalu and the executive members who attended the meeting refused to comment on what was discussed at the meeting.
The meeting was attended by President Naomi Banda, Vice President Redson kambwiri, Secretary Naomi Nyasulu, Treasurer Auscar Njikho, Stage Manager Mirriam Mkamanga and Artistic Director Linda Mpando. Jacob Nthala, the Producer is still nursing his ankle and no communication from the Technical Director Omega Zambasa.