As the days drew nearer, rehearsals enter its fourth week ahead of the show. The performance that will include a dance troupe will be the firts of its kind to be perfomed in the four corners of the 9 years University Hall.
The student community is still pregnant with expectation for the show which they will part with MK50 to have a glimpse of the elite actors and actresses. The final cast is not yet known but probably the likes of Edwin Kanyemba, Steven Moloseni, Richard Kayenda, Davie Nyirenda, Linda Mpando, Aaron Mwitiya and new faces like Joel Makiyi, Angella Mangulama will definately be the faces to watch come the day.
If Population Service International will spice the day then they will be the second leading organisation in the country to support Mzuzu university TheatreHeights Ensemble (MUTHE) after Celtel's (now Zain) memorable support during the launch of the group on 18th May 2008.