Mzuzu University TheatreHeights Ensemble(MUTHE) will be staging its third production on June 28 at the campus's theatre mecca - University Hall.
History has it that MUTHE is a crowd puller and its plays are a force to reckon with. The play Emotional Crunch brings together MUTHE's bignames and new faces. Its a fact the campus's best actors and actresses are all in MUTHE, you talk of such big names like Davie Nyirenda, Angella Mangulama, Naomi Nyasulu, Linda Mpando, Leah Umphawi, Steve Moloseni, Richard Kayenda, Naomi Banda, Jacob Nthala, Limbani Banda, Senk Kalowekamo, ALex Mwale, Joel Makiyi, Rabson Mtonga, Mirriam Mkamanga, Martin Nkasala, Edwin Kanyemba plus a custard of new faces and the state of art management of trustees.
The Play Emotional Crunch, talks about a re-union of two villages, a break up marriage, an orphan tale, betrayal and seduction.
Sunday 28th June 2009 at 6pm in the University Hall at only MK50 for students ands MK100 for outsiders.
All for fun and fun for all!