Constitution of the Mzuzu University
TheatreHeights Ensemble (August 2008)
The group shall be called MZUZU UNIVERSITY THEATREHEIGHTS ENSEMBLE hereinafter referred to as the "MUTHE ".
It is the desire of students of Mzuzu University and such other members of the University community to form a group for the purposes of bringing together those interested in all aspects of theatre, from going to see productions as a purely social exercise, to putting on plays and improvisational shows for the benefit of students and general public.
It is determined that the Constitution of Mzuzu University
TheatreHeights Ensemble shall be as follows:
To be a social and service organization on the Mzuzu University Campus that promotes the art of Theatre and students interested in Theatre.
- That the goals of MUTHE shall be:
Advocating Theatre as a personal and communal experience
Promoting the highest possible standards of Theatre on the Campus
Striving for inclusion and diversity within the organization
Encouraging personal and group creative expression
- That membership shall be open to all students and staff of Mzuzu University
- That a person shall be considered a member having:
a) Shown interest to create, execute or sponsor projects in the theatre
or the performing of Arts
b) Completed a membership form as prepared by the Committee
That activities of the group shall be coordinated by Trustees who are members of staff
That Office bearer of the society shall be
Vice President
Artistic Director
Script writer
Technical Director
Stage Manager
Publicity Secretary
Section 1
- Office bearers shall be elected per academic year and not less than one third of the current membership shall vote.
Section 2
- Persons wishing to serve as Officers of the Organization shall be current members of the Organization and nominated by the active membership of the Organization. These nominations shall be presented to the active membership at the second-to-last meeting of the second semester. Two weeks before the nominations are to be presented, the liaison Trustee shall ask all aspirants to declare their interest by collecting and completing a nomination form. The Trustees shall notify all nominees of all nominations they have received. Each member is allowed to be nominated for up to two Executive Offices. At this time, if the nominees have received nominations for more than two Executive Offices, they shall decide which two Offices they would like to run for. No individual can hold more than one position in the Executive Committee in any one term.
Section 3
- All officers must be members in good standing of the Mzuzu University TheatreHeights Ensemble (MUTHE) Should an officer fall from good standing, the post shall be declared vacant by the Executive Committee after consulting the Trustees and an election shall be held as specified in Article IV, Section 4.
Section 4
- The officers as a group have the authority to nominate and to accept nominations for any vacant office on the committee. After such nominations, the Executive Committee shall call a by-election to fill the vacant post. If the Office of the President is vacated, the Vice-President shall become the President and elections will be held to fill the vacancy of the Vice-President.
a) Coordinate all MUTHE activities in liaison with the Executive Committee.
b) Handle disciplinary and logistics matters of the group.
c) Meet some of the group’s financial requirements.
c) Enhance professionalism through quality production of plays and other theatre activities and participation in rehearsals and theatre production.
d) Act as an advisor to the Executive Committee
a) Act as Chairperson for all meetings of the M.U.T.H.E Executive Committee.
b) Call meetings of the M.U.T.H.E Executive to prepare for the successful production of the M.U.T.H.E show.
c) Call meetings of the M.U.T.H.E Executive, through the Secretary, when requested by the Trustees, Artistic Director, or M.U.T.H.E members.
d) Inform all members of the M.U.T.H.E Executive, through the Secretary, as to the time and place of all meetings.
e) Organize M.U.T.H.E Meeting, through the Producer and Vice President, to take place in the early weeks of the semester.
f) Organize M.U.T.H.E Annual General Meeting, through the Producer, to take place following the M.U.T.H.E show and prior to the end of the academic year.
g) Prepare an agenda for all M.U.T.H.E Committee and Executive meetings.
h) Coordinate the various M.U.T.H.E Committee members who are responsible for booking M.U.T.H.E events.
i) Ensure that the duties of the M.U.T.H.E Executive are properly performed.
k) Act as liaison between the various groups at the campus, Trustees and committees of M.U.T.H.E
l) Act as liaison between M.U.T.H.E and outside groups.
m) Review M.U.T.H.E Principles and Guidelines regularly and ensure that the document is kept up to date and relevant. Revisions of the M.U.T.H.E Principles and Guidelines should be made in consultation with the members of the M.U.T.H.E Executive and Trustees.
(2)Vice President
a) Assume the responsibilities of the President in the event that the President is unable to fulfill his/her duties.
b) Act as social conveyor for the M.U.T.H.E. This includes the planning of all M.U.T.H.E social events and the booking of areas for such events.
c) In conjunction with the President, maintain a liaison with all outside groups concerning facilities for social events.
d) Maintain a record of all expenses resulting from social events and submit all receipts relating to these expenses to the Treasurer.
e) Organize and supervise those to handle any necessary arrangements for M.U.T.H.E social events. Those members will perform such duties and hold such responsibilities as are assigned to them by the Vice President/Trustees.
f) Communicate to the President the status of all M.U.T.H.E social activities.
a) Record and maintain all minutes of M.U.T.H.E Committee, and Executive meetings.
b) Assist the M.U.T.H.E President.
c) Assist members of the M.U.T.H.E Executive in communicating details of M.U.T.H.E activities to the members and Trustees.
d) Send minutes to all Trustees of the M.U.T.H.E when necessary, under the direction of the President.
e) Book meeting places for all M.U.T.H.E Committee and Executive meetings.
f) Maintain an up-to-date detail list of all current members of the M.U.T.H.E.
g) Distribute a copy of the M.U.T.H.E Constitution and the M.U.T.H.E Principles and Guidelines to all M.U.T.H.E new members at their first meeting after election or appointment.
h) Communicate to the President the status of all activities performed by him/herself in connection with M.U.T.H.E
a) Receive and maintain all receipts relating to expenditures of M.U.T.H.E.
b) Maintain a complete record of all M.U.T.H.E financial matters.
c) Ensure that all pertinent technical, social, and production personnel are aware of budget limitations as established by the M.U.T.H.E Committee.
d) Receive expenditure statements from technical, social, and production personnel at the conclusion of the show.
f) Present a financial statement to the M.U.T.H.E Annual General Meeting prior to the end of the academic year.
g) Prepare a draft budget for presentation to the M.U.T.H.E Committee as soon as possible after the Annual General Meeting.
h) Communicate to the President the status of all activities performed by him/herself in connection with M.U.T.H.E
i) Collect funding/subvention from the main body M.U.S.U
a) Handle advertising and promotion of all M.U.T.H.E activities, in conjunction with Trustees and appropriate members of the M.U.T.H.E. Activities to be publicized include the M.U.T.H.E show, auditions, Annual General Meetings, and all other M.U.T.H.E activities to which the general public is invited.
b) Handle ticket production and sales. This includes distribution of complimentary tickets to selected persons.
c) Arrange bookings for all rehearsals, in consultation with the Trustees and Artistic Director.
d) Handle preparation and production of programs.
e) Maintain a summary of all production expenses, to be submitted to the Treasurer as soon as possible after the completion of the M.U.T.H.E show.
f) Organize with Trustees and supervise a Production team to aid in the performance of the Producer’s responsibilities as stated above. The members of this staff will perform such duties and hold such responsibilities as are assigned to them by the Producer and Trustees.
(6)Artistic Director
a) Organize with Trustees and supervise a Sub Directorial staff, possibly including such positions as Music Director, Choral Director, Choreographer, and Acting Coach. The members of this staff will perform such duties and hold such responsibilities as are assigned to them by the Artistic Director.
b) Conduct auditions with Trustees and cast persons for roles in the M.U.T.H.E show/plays.
c) Set dates and location of rehearsals and ensure that the Stage Manager communicates this information to the Trustees and cast.
d) Supervise and take responsibility for rehearsals with Trustees.
e) Assume responsibility with Trustees for the artistic content of the show.
f) Consult with the Script Writer/Playwright on all desired changes to the script. Once rehearsals have begun, the Artistic Director/Playwright is the only person who may authorize changes to the script without a direct appeal to the playwright. The Artistic Director must inform the Stage Manager of any and all authorized changes in the presentation of the show/play.
g) Describe to the Technical Director the artistic requirements of the M.U.T.H.E show as they concern the Technical Director’s duties.
h) Communicate to the President the status of the show.
(7) Script Writer
a) Supervise the writing of the script and ensure that the script is maintained at a reasonable length.
b) Organize and supervise playwrights’ meetings to discuss and prepare the script.
c) Make available a copy of the script to the M.U.T.H.E members two weeks before the auditions.
d) Call a meeting to consider ideas for the theme of the show that will take place in the year following the current term of office.
e) Communicate the status of the script to the President on a regular basis.
(8)Technical Director
a) Organize and supervise a Technical staff, possibly including specific persons to deal with:
i) Lighting
ii) Sound
iii) Special effects
iv) Sets
v) Props
vi) Costumes
vii) Make-up
viii) Designer
The members of this staff will perform such duties and hold such responsibilities as are assigned to them by the Technical Director.
b) Assume responsibility, in consultation with the Artistic Director/playwright, for implementing all technical requirements of the M.U.T.H.E show.
c) Assume responsibility for all expenditures of technical departments and present an expenditure statement to the Treasurer.
d) Communicate the status of all technical activities to the Artistic Director and President.
(9)Stage Manager
a) Inform cast and crew of time and place of every rehearsal, and ensure that rehearsals start on time and cast members are prompt, present and prepared.
b) In conjunction with the Secretary, acquire and maintain an up-to-date list of all cast and crew members, their addresses, and their phone numbers.
c) Note all cues and blocking as dictated by the Artistic Director/Playwright.
d) Note the location and storage of all materials between rehearsals and shows.
e) Note all additions and changes in the script or in any other technical or artistic area, and inform the proper personnel.
f) Assist in communications between the Artistic Director, the Technical Director, and the Producer.
g) Obtain as many assistants as are necessary to aid in prompting and preparing the cast, and make such production notes as are necessary.
h) Assume responsibility, along with assistants, for locking and unlocking all facilities and for returning borrowed equipment, storing props, clearing out personnel and cleaning up after rehearsals, in conjunction with theatre staff.
i) Assume full responsibility for the performances of the M.U.T.H.E show, to be overruled only by the M.U.T.H.E Executive Committee.
j) Identify problems that occur during the run of the show and convene meetings of appropriate personnel to solve these problems. In the event that the Stage Manager/playwright deems that a change of any sort is required in the show, the Stage Manager will consult with the Artistic Director, the Chief Script Writer, and him/herself in order to resolve the situation.
k) Act as liaison between the M.U.T.H.E Committee and the Artistic Director during rehearsals and the run of the show.
l) Communicate to the Artistic Director the status of all activities performed by him/herself in connection with M.U.T.H.E
Publicity Director
a) Act as a liaison between the Organization and the Mzuni student body. b) Be in charge of organizing the promotion of special events through the use of fliers, posters, and other means.
c) Appointing and supervising someone to keep the Website up-to-date. d) Be a liaison between the Organization and surrounding schools and communities.
e) Speak on behalf of the entire membership of MUTHE on all activities involving the affairs of the group.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers as in Article V
Section 1
- In order to maintain a self-perpetuating Organization, the Executive Committee shall be responsible for maintaining a functioning organization from year to year.
Section 2
- The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to conduct the business of the Organization and to resolve internal problems with the help of the Trustee(s). Any officer may call for a formal vote within the committee on any issue.
Section 3
- The Executive Committee shall meet no less than three times a semester, at such times and places as the President shall direct, with due consideration for the members of the committee. Upon request, the minutes of all committee meetings will be available to all members of the Organization.
Article IV – MEMBER
Section 1
- All Mzuzu University students interested in the art of theatre are welcome to join the MUTHE Organization.
Section 2
- Anyone interested in joining the MUTHE Organization must attend two consecutive regular MUTHE meetings to become a member.
Section 3
- In order to stay in good standing, a member must not be absent to more than two consecutive regular MUTHE meetings without prior notification to and approval from the Executive Committee or the Trustee(s).
Article X – MEETINGS
Section 1
In order to maintain the Organization, the united efforts of all members are necessary; therefore, members are required to attend all meetings of MUTHE unless prior approval has been given by the Executive Committee or the Sponsor(s).
This constitution may be amended by a 1/3 vote of the entire active membership of the Organization, after a first reading at one meeting and second reading at the next consecutive meeting of the MUTHE. Amendments may be proposed by the Executive Committee or by a petition of ¼ of the active members of the Organization.
After proper discussion and consideration, an officer of the Organization can be impeached and removed from office by a concurring vote of no less than 2/3 of the active membership of the Organization.
This constitution shall become effective after the concurring vote of at least 2/3 of the active membership of MUTHE, and shall supersede all previous constitutions if any.
That anything in this constitution which conflicts in whole or in part with the relevant provisions on Mzuzu University Student Handbook or the rules of the University which requires that its rules shall prevail, shall null and void to the extent of the inconsistency
Adopted on 7th day of December in the year 2007
(To be reviewed in 2008/09 Academic Year)