Wednesday, May 20, 2009


One of Mzuzu University TheatreHeights Ensemble founding Trustee, Sydney Ngwira passed away in the earyl hours of Monday 18th May 2009 and was laid to rest at his home village Chinthechi in Nkhata Bay on Tuesday 19th May 2009 at around noon.

Respected for his humor and advise, Trustee Sydney Ngwira will be greatly missed by the entire membership of MUTHE. He was among the founders of muthe and he made a speech on behalf of the entire membership of MUTHE on its grand launch on 18th May 2008 exactly one year to his death.
He will be remembered for promoting student participation in social activities like theatre. Sydney partly directed MUTHE's first production 'True Lies' but failed to do the same during the second production as he was on and off due illness.
SPeaking to members of MUTHE during rehearsals, Gift Chingwalu described the late Sydney Ngwira death as a shocker to MUTHE. He said he expected alot from him this semester especially when we will be seeing off the first group of MUTHE pioneers. According to Gift Chingwalu, the next production will be dedicated to Sydney so that the fan should really know who he was to MUTHE. Sydeny was untill his death a Lecturer in Library and Information Sciences and a family man.
For MUTHE members and fans we say "To be absent from the living is to be present with Lord" so Sydney is with the LORD!